27 dicembre 2012

What to do during the holidays in Genoa

So now that Christmas day has actually passed and we are all wondering what to do with our kids during the holidays...

A few ideas -

There is still the PINOCCHIO BIENNALE 2012 Show at the Museo Luzzati (and other locations in the Porto Antico di Genova).  The show is running till the 13th of January.  You can get more information at the following website - www.portoantico.it/calendario_dettaglio.aspx?lang=ita&id_area=3&Id=4978

2) ICE SKATING in the Porto Antico di Genova

December 26th
A surprise for STEFANO and STEFANIA -
Everyone named Stefano and Stefania are invited to come into the rink to celebrate the holiday and they will receive a free ticket valuable for all January month.

December 31st
Last day of the year on the ice - 
New Year's Eve with music, lights and party. Midnight cheer all together! Opening from 22:00 to 5:00 (the rink will be closed from 19:30 to 22:00) on 1st January the rink will be open at 11:00.

3) Go to the movies and see (Wreck.it Ralph) RALPH SPACCATUTTO 3D
A great kids movie that we loved! You can read to see what it's about at www.imdb.com/media/rm3731007744/tt1772341. I highly recommend it because it is quite original and good for both boys & girls! You can check out the times at the UCI Fiumara Cinema at the following site: www.ucicinemas.it/1568/index.php

4) Miró! Poesia e luce (Miró! Poetry and Light)
Take you kids to the Palazzo Ducale and see the Miró show. Find out about dates, times and prices from the Palazzo Ducale site : www.palazzoducale.genova.it/naviga.asp?pagina=48497

Have your kids walk through the magical colors and forms that Miró created and let them absorb the art. Then take a quick trip to Tiger and pick up some great art supplies in case you don't have any and have them create images of what they saw at the show!

Tiger is a great new store in Genoa and a fun place to visit.  Lots of knick-knacks for everyone in your family but especially good for buying "DIY stuff" to do or make. If you haven't been there - you should make the trip.  (ps I will do a later posting with pictures of all the great stuff they have to offer!)

Via San Vincenzo 53
16121 Genoa
Hours : Monday - Sunday 10:00-20:00
website : www.tiger-stores.it/

Have a great time and let us know if there is anything else good going on around town! 

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